Chronos Business Card Shop v4.5.3 MacOSX 名片設計軟體 英文破解版
Business Card Shop (was SOHO Business Cards) helps users create
one-of-a-kind business card designs. Simple, one-step tools let
users quickly draw shapes, add graphics, arrange and align
objects, rotate objects and add designer special effects. There
are more than 30 shapes with individual controls to help users
create logos and custom design elements. Built-in rulers, project
grid lines, snap-to-grid, real-time alignment guides and full zoom
capabilities make positioning objects a breeze.
Business Card Shop can import logos, photos and clip art in
popular formats. A built-in Scrapbook lets users store favorite
graphics, shapes, and text for quick and easy future reuse. The
Scrapbook even remembers any special formatting or attributes
applied to an object such as font, stroke color, transparency,
masks, etc.